ledger.com/start -secure your Ledger Wallet
Ensure a secure start to your crypto journey with ledger.com/start. Set up your Ledger Wallet, log in confidently, and navigate the crypto world with ease
Last updated
Ensure a secure start to your crypto journey with ledger.com/start. Set up your Ledger Wallet, log in confidently, and navigate the crypto world with ease
Last updated
Visit the Official Website:
Go directly to the official Ledger website by typing the URL into your browser. The official Ledger website is https://www.ledger.com/.
Check for HTTPS:
Ensure that the website has a secure connection by checking for "https://" in the URL. This indicates that the connection is encrypted.
Avoid Clicking on Suspicious Links:
Be cautious of clicking on links received in emails or messages. Always go to the official website directly.
Follow Official Guides:
Ledger provides comprehensive guides on their official website. Follow their step-by-step instructions to set up and secure your wallet.
Keep Firmware Updated:
Regularly check for firmware updates on the official Ledger Live application and follow the recommended procedures to update your device.
Remember, protecting your private keys and recovery seed is of utmost importance. Do not share this information with anyone, and keep it in a secure place. If you encounter any issues or have doubts, refer to Ledger's official support channels for assistance.